Wednesday 17 December 2014

Christmas Party

The children had lots of fun dancing with pompoms thanks to Miss Kelland.

They also enjoyed the Tooty Ta Ta.

Sunday 16 November 2014

Learning to read!

Here are some good videos which show how we teach initial sounds. We try to make sure that the children don't put the 'uh' sound after 't' 's' etc. The second clip shows a child learning to blend sounds. We hope it may help you with reading at home.
Thank you for your support, The Foundation Phase Team.

Friday 7 November 2014

Children In Need 2014

Our learning squad have been very busy planning another exciting fundraising day.

The theme is "Superheroes."

Children are invited to wear superhero costumes or pyjamas/onsies.

We are challenging everyone (including teachers) to find as much spare change around the house as they can. Look down the side of the sofa and in drawers.

Years 5 and 6 will be setting up their own stalls as part of their enterprise project.

All pupils in school will have a chance to visit the stalls to spend their pennies on face paints, nail varnish, games, lucky dips, bring and buy etc...

Please let us know if you do not want your child to have any face painting,  nail varnish or coloured hairspray.

We are looking forward to a fun Pudsey day and thank you for your support

Monday 20 October 2014

Dough disco fun!

We've been working on our fine motor skills in school  by dancing with dough. Grab sone dough and give it a go at home too!!! Have fun!!!

Copy and paste this link: 

Dough Disco:

Saturday 18 October 2014

Beth sy'n digwydd yr wythnos hon?

This week is our last week of the dinosaur topic so what better way to end than organising a party!!!
What's Happening this week?

It's Harry's birthday and we need to plan a party for him.

We have lots of problems to solve and tasks to complete:

What do we need? How many candles does he need? Which dinosaurs need the biggest/smallest cakes?

Writing invitations; making dinosaur biscuits; creating an attractive party tablecloth; talking about
how we feel when it's our birthdays;

We are going to practise a dinosaur  party dance and play fun party games.

If you have a picture of your child at any birthday party, please could we borrow it to share with everyone?

We can't believe that the first half term is over so soon and we are thrilled at how all of the pupils have progressed!!


Sunday 5 October 2014


As part of our harvest celebrations this week, we will be learning about the changes in seasons.

If the weather is kind to us, we would like to take the children to our school field to collect leaves, twigs etc to identify changes and to make Autumn crowns. If you have any lovely leaves, acorns or conkers, please could you send them in?

Please send a pair of wellies in on Friday, clearly labelled as well as a good coat. Fingers crossed for the weather!